
Introduction to Donkey Behaviour - Part Two (BEHV104)



Full course description

Introduction to Donkey Behaviour - Part Two

Are donkeys colour blind? Who has a better sense of smell, donkeys or humans? What about those large ears, does that mean their hearing is fantastic? How good are donkeys’ learning skills, and what about their memory? Understanding the true nature of donkeys, their senses and how they learn will give you an insight into their world. Being able to think with the donkeys’ brain will give you greater capacity to understand their behaviour and work with them in a way that suits their view of the world.

Following on from Introduction to Donkey Behaviour - Part One, Part Two creates a foundation for understanding the donkeys’ behaviour from an evolutionary point of view to reveal their true nature. From there we go on to learn about the donkeys’ senses and how they experience the world. Being able to consider how they perceive their world allows us to create environments that suit their needs and to include vital elements of training that are often left out.

In the final module of this course we will investigate the donkeys’ learning skills and discover their learning superpower.  We will find out how good their short term memory is so we can communicate with them more effectively. Answering questions like, can old donkeys learn new tricks? How good is their long-term memory? This will leave you with a greater ability to empathise with your donkeys view of the world. Then we can ensure our handling and training meets the donkeys needs 

You should complete Introduction to Donkey Behaviour Part One before undertaking this course



4. Effects of Evolution on Behaviour

5. Understanding Equine Senses

6. Understanding the Equine Brain

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