Two vets holding a donkey, whilst one vet holds a tube in the donkey's nose

The Clinical Examination (CLNC101)



Full course description

**This is a course for professionals**

The Clinical Examination

This course is recommended for veterinary surgeons and veterinary students who may see donkeys occasionally and wish to be more confident in their knowledge and approach to this species.

As the first course in the series on Veterinary Care of the Donkey, we recommend completing this course before moving on to further courses as it provides a detailed introduction to the basics of understanding the normal donkey examination.


The aim of this course is to cover the fundamental differences in the physiological and clinical parameters of a donkey compared to a horse. The basics of handling, examining the body systems, blood sampling, dental and lameness examination are covered. At the end of this course, students will have the skills to perform a detailed clinical examination and recognise normal versus abnormal in the donkey. 



This course is made up of six modules. These are discrete subject areas and will cover a range of issues relating to veterinary care and examinations.

Module 1: Clinical Exam

Module 2: Correct Approach to Examination of the Donkey

Module 3: Taking and Interpreting a Blood and Faecal Sample

Module 4: Dental Examination

Module 5: The Basic Lameness Exam

Module 6: References


Learning Objectives:

  • Evaluate the environment, management, feeding and behaviour of a donkey,
  • Use this information to assess the likely impact on a clinical examination of this species,
  • Explain how the evolutionary adaptations of the donkey affect our understanding of its needs.
  • Advise on the correct safe method to approach and restrain a donkey,
  • Perform a full clinical examination of a donkey,
  • Explain the significant differences between a donkey and a horse.
  • Describe which blood sample and tube is required to assist in diagnosis of common donkey conditions,
  • Identify the basic difference's between donkey and horse blood results and parasitology.
  • Explain the role endoparasites play in common donkey diseases and which sample is required to test for their presence
  • Discuss and appreciate the importance of an oral examination as part of a clinical exam,
  • Explain how to correctly fit a Hausmanns gag and flush the mouth of a donkey,
  • Safely assemble a working environment to assess the dentition.
  • Name the leading causes of lameness in donkeys,
  • Perform a basic lameness examination,
  • Recognise the complications that can follow lameness in donkey,
  • Establish a simple management plan for a lame donkey.

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